I am an Elementary Education major at Kansas State, so coming to the University of Hertfordshire I was not completely sure what to expect from the courses I would be taking.
I was a full time student and I was enrolled in 2 courses. My schedule was such, that I was in class from 9-12 on Thursday and 9-1 on Friday and I was a full-time-student. It was very nice =]
I had the privilege of having this schedule since I was in 3rd year courses. However, the first year courses occur more often throughout the week.
I was not required to purchase my text books, and most of my readings were journal entries that were online or provide in class. The teachers were very understanding if my travel plans interfered with my class times, however, realize that not all teachers will be this way.
My professors were wonderful and full of great insight into elementary education in England. I was able to tour a couple of their schools and it truly inspired me to pursue a Master's Degree involved with my major.
My peers were awesome! I loved working with them in group projects and truly enjoyed going to my classes. It was funny, they were fascinated with my "accent" and I made many friends in my course.
Campus is easy to get around, and I figured out the layout of it fairly quickly. All the buildings are walkable from on-campus housing and easy to find. There are always students on campus who would be more than willing to direct you if you were ever lost too!
If you have any questions about classes or school or campus, let me know!
jmkeehn@ksu.edu OR Jane Keehn on Facebook